Top Ten Tuesday: Signs You’re a Book Lover

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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish and now hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl, wherein each week bloggers list out their Top Ten.

This week is ‘Signs You’re a Book Lover’ and @ruthsic asked me if I was interested on writing this upcoming Top Ten Tuesday and I thought, why not? This seems like fun!

Here are the top 10 signs that you are probably a book lover 🙂

1) You read instead of sleeping

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I can’t count the times I’ve stayed up late catching up with my book at night, captivated with the plot and not noticing how fast time is passing and before I know it, It’s freaking 1 Am in the morning. It’s probably the worst quality in a book lover but hey, when we love a book we are dedicated to it.

2) You read at work despite knowing you should focus on it

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I’m a particular good at multi-tasking while I’m working. I read in between breaks, when work is settling down, when my boss speaking to me, I am kinda surprised they even keep me by this point but hey at least my reading habits aren’t hurt by it ;p

3) You have more than one copy of your favorite book

I own the original Paperback Edition of Six of Crows, the Collector’s Edition, the Hebrew Edition, the Kindle Edition and the Audiobook, which I don’t have on me physically which is a shame. When you are an book lover and you love a book so much are vowed to have more then one copy. It’s the law and if you break you’d face retribution from the heavens!

4) You always have an easy access to a book

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You are always prepared with enough number of books for you to read. Be it your bag, your phone, your MP3 player, your freaking hand. You’d never get outside of your house without having enough arsenal to face this cold and dreadful world.

5) You read in an unusual places all the time

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A bookworm is capable of reading in many places. On their coach, their bed, their kitchen, their bathroom, public transportation but people don’t usually believe we are capable of reading even in the worst places imaginable. At the gym, outside when it’s raining, traveling through the desert on a camel’s back. We are extremely versatile people 🙂

6) You buy way too much books you can’t possibly afford

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I think we are all struggling with this on a regular routine in our life. We buy books on any opportunity, book sales, book deals, book exchanges, friends giving us something, we just can’t stop and think of the representations and you know what? WHO CARES MORE BOOKS!!!! 😀

7) You have no place left on your shelves

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We have all face this problem in our life, we don’t have enough space to storage our books. We fight by squeezing them everywhere in the house that we can afford. The floor, the closet, the kitchen cabinets, the dinning table. If it’s accessible then you will use it!

8) Anything is a bookmark

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You are very creative in your choices of bookmarking your progress in a book. You use, spoons, leaves, piece of plastic, a bus ticket anything unimaginable to mark where you last stop on your reading. Why? Because we can and nothing will stop us.

9) You can’t stop raving on and on about that book you finished recently to your none-reader friends

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Booklovers can be rather exhausting as friends. Once they finish a book or they’re currently reading it, they won’t stop harassing their friends about it. You won’t stop texting them, calling them, or freaking tweet to them about what just happened even if you know they clearly are annoyed by this.

10) Nobody can understand why you are in pain right now

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There some things none readers will never understand about reading books and that it gets extremely emotional sometimes. Especially when a character goes through hell or being tormented, their heart gets broken or someone they loved died. You wished they’d understand but alas they cannot because they don’t share your enthusiasm to the written words.

What is your obvious sign that you’re a book lover? 

17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Signs You’re a Book Lover

  1. This list is all so very very relatable. People get annoyed with me bc I always have something to read. You never know when you might get stuck somewhere, or gave a free moment. I even read my Kindle while walking. And since I use public transit, I have lots of walking (and bus time!).

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